The next Attribute of Christ is Knowledge. I feel like all people in the world have a desire to obtain more knowledge. The reason may not always be the same though. Some people seek knowledge to impress people, some seek knowledge to better understand their world, some seek it simply to be "smarter". Knowledge, however, is a gift from God that allows us to learn and progress in this life, which in turn allows us to be happier in the life to come. We should seek knowledge in order to understand God and our purpose of life. Knowledge is the light that guides us through our dark path of life. Would you rather have a candle or a flashlight? A spotlight? A sun? The amount of knowledge that we gain determines our ability to find our way. It is good to attain a knowledge of the things of the world, but our first priority should be to learn about our great God and His glorious plan for us. We can do this by studying our scriptures daily. "Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." (2 Nephi 32:3.)
How did Christ give the greatest example of one who has knowledge? Knowledge is what gave Christ the ability to confound the hypocritical Pharisees and Scribes of His day. How else would we get priceless teachings, such as the Sermon on the Mount, if it were not for the extraordinary amount of knowledge that the Savior had? The Savior Himself even quotes the scriptures of the Old Testament (the scripture available to the common man in His time) several times in the New Testament as well as the Book of Mormon. Let us always be striving to follow His great example in our own pursuit of spiritual and temporal knowledge.
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