Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet"

     The next talk I want to share is called, "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet." Did you know it was possible to share the gospel while using the internet? Maybe you did, but just never thought about doing it yourself, or maybe you just don't have the courage to. Whatever the case may be I hope this helps you to be able to do it.
     He starts off by telling us how powerful new technology, especially the internet, is and gives a few great examples of how the church has been able to use it to spread the message of the gospel of Christ. He talks about how the internet is the modern printing press and how anyone can publish anything they want now. It is so true! There are two side of the spectrum too. There are bad things out there as well as good, and not just about the church but just bad in general. It is our job to increase the amount of good that is out there. Here are some examples of how I have shared the gospel using the internet: Pictures, Me!
     We are given a few great tips on things to avoid. He basically tells us there is no need to argue or be defensive. He says, "Our position is solid; the Church is true."  We just need to have a conversation like you would with a friend in the same room. As missionaries, online, we are told to avoid speculative, controversial, or contentious discussions and to teach by the Spirit just as we do when teaching face to face. We need not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. We need to stand firmly and speak with faith. Join the conversations that are already out there. There are lots of things happening that are making people interested in the church, and who knows how long that will last. Take advantage of that blessing!

     "With so many social media resources and a multitude of more or less useful gadgets at our disposal, sharing the good news of the gospel is easier and the effects more far-reaching than ever before...My dear young friends, perhaps the Lord’s encouragement to 'open [your] mouths' might today include 'use your hands' to blog and text message the gospel to all the world!" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf.) Think about the effect you can have if you share something like your testimony in a Facebook post. The effect will be tremendous! What other things can you do to share the gospel online?

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