Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Heavenly Homes, Forever Families"

     So I have decided that I am going try having a new theme again. I am going to share some of the my favorite conference talks given by some of the leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints including the Prophet and his Apostles. I was reading a talk by our current prophet, Thomas S. Monson, called "Heavenly Homes, Forever Families" and I felt like I needed to share it.
     It talks about how we can build an "eternal home." What exactly does that mean? He starts off by saying "A home is much more than a house built of lumber, brick, or stone. A home is made of love, sacrifice, and respect. We are responsible for the homes we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is not a short voyage." He talks about how a family can be together forever. I think it is interesting that something as simple as a family is so important and sacred to God that he blesses it with the ability to be forever. God’s blueprint to make a house a home and a home a heaven is so simple.
     First, he says, we need prayer. "A prominent American judge was asked what we, as citizens of the countries of the world, could do to reduce crime and disobedience to law and to bring peace and contentment into our lives and into our nations. He thoughtfully replied, 'I would suggest a return to the old-fashioned practice of family prayer.'... There is real meaning behind the oft-quoted adage, 'The family that prays together stays together.'" The first step is so simple. Something as easy as saying a prayer can mean so much and help to build this "eternal home."
     Second, is service. He shares the example of Christ and his perfect selfless service. With the good Samaritan, He taught, “Love thy neighbor” (Luke 10:30–35).
     Lastly, is rescue. We all need to make sure we keep track of our family and make sure that we are to the rescue when our family needs it. We need to make sure we are showing love to our family, and for those that need to be rescued, showing our love for them is the most important thing we can do.
     I have been lucky and blessed enough that I have a great family that is always there for me. I know that they are always there for me and love me. I know that we have been able to build a fairly decent "eternal home" because my parents have tried their best to use God's blueprint to make our house a home and our home a heaven.

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